Why Mobile?
With the ever-changing healthcare system and increased cost of medical care, there is a new change in the standard of care for those suffering from dysphagia. For many years, patients from long-term care facilities have been transported to a hospital to have a Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) completed to diagnose a potential dysphagia. Transportation and long waits can now be eliminated with the use of a mobile modified barium swallow study clinic. DiagnosTEX operates mobile medical clinics.

What is Dysphagia?
Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing. It is derived from the Greek “dys” meaning bad or disordered, and “phago” meaning “eat”. Swallow occurs in phase: the oral phase, the pharyngeal phase and the esophageal phase. Swallowing difficulty can occur in 1, 2 or all 3 of those phases. Dysphagia effects between 15-18 million people in the USA which results in aspiration. Pneumonia is the 4th leading cause of death in the USA.
Our Mission
Since 2003, DiagnosTEX has been the leading provider of Mobile Dysphagia (Swallowing Disorder) Consultations in the Dallas/Fort Worth and surrounding areas. The high road to service is traveled with integrity, compassion, and understanding. The owners and staff of DiagnosTEX recognize that providing effective care to hundreds of residents can only be achieved through a commitment of excellence and customer care. Through efficient delivery of high quality services, we aim to be the provider of choice in every community we service.

Mobile vs Hospital
Hospital costs for an MBSS can be double or triple the cost compared to DiagnosTEX. Transportation alone can range from $150-$550. Instead let us come to you for a cost savings.
Real-time Fluoroscopy
DiagnosTEX provides an assessment of all three phases of the swallow -- oral, pharyngeal, and esophageal -- in real-time with a digital recording for you to keep.
Immediate Results & Recommendations
Highly detailed reports with a DVD of digital imaging provided on-site include: Physician Report, Radiology Report, and Speech Pathology Report
DiagnosTEX parks right outside your door and the patient is wheeled out to the clinic in their own wheelchair for the MBSS.