DiagnosTEX Newsletters

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March 2025 Newsletter

Happy St. Patrick’s Day - An Irish Blessing for you:

May you always find blue skies above your head, shamrocks beneath your feet, laughter & joy aplenty, kindness from all you meet, good friends & kin to miss you if you ever choose to roam & a path that’s been cleared by angels themselves to carry you safely home.


The RIGHT instrumental for Dysphagia is the Gold Standard to Dysphagia Healthcare

February 2025 Newsletter

Presented by Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP & Patheous Health

Happy Valentines Day!

Where there is love, there is life.

DiagnosTex and Patheous Health are ONE TEAM to be your preferred provider in Dysphagia Imaging!

Combining our strengths and becoming Patheous Health has allowed us to have the opportunity to serve the Dallas/Fort Worth Area with both MBSS and FEES! Make contact with our DFW Account Executive, Misty Stephens, to explore the possibilities and find out how we can support your needs. Let’s enhance your resources together! Please feel free to reach out her for assistance with any services we offer. Contact Misty at mstephens@patheoushealth.com OR 252-676-0952.

January 2025 Newsletter

Presented by Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP & Patheous Health

Happy New Year!

Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.

Life is about doing, being and becoming and overcoming. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us all to do it better than last year. We look forward to working together with you on all of your dysphagia imaging needs in 2025!

DiagnosTex and Patheous Health are now united as ONE TEAM to be your preferred provider in Dysphagia Imaging!

Combining our strengths and becoming Patheous Health has allowed us to have the opportunity to serve the Dallas/Fort Worth Area with both MBSS and FEES! Make contact with our DFW Account Executive, Misty Stephens, to explore the possibilities and find out how we can support your needs. Let’s enhance your resources together! Please feel free to reach out her for assistance with any services we offer. Contact Misty at mstephens@patheoushealth.com OR 252-676-0952.

December 2024 Newsletter

Merry Christmas! 

Presented by Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP & Patheous Health

We know you have options for dysphagia evaluations, and we appreciate your trust and support of our service and staff over the years. DFW area is a big place but small at heart and the friendships we have developed over the years mean the most to us! This festive season, we wish all of you the priceless gift of peace that surpasses all understanding, as well as indescribable joy, quality health and blessings of prosperity at Christmas and throughout all of 2024.

Happy Birthday DiagnosTEX – DTEX turns 21 years old this year on December 3rd!

November 2024 Newsletter

Cheers to the upcoming Holiday Season!

Presented by Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP & Patheous Health

There’s no better time to express our gratitude for the opportunity to serve your patients. The partnerships we’ve built have been the cornerstone of our success in the DFW area for 20 years. This season is a time to reflect on our blessings, and at DiagnosTEX, now PATHEOUS HEALTH, we are incredibly thankful for each of you who have chosen us as your preferred mobile healthcare provider. Your friendship and unwavering support over the years mean so much to us. Wishing you and your families a joyful Thanksgiving filled with blessings as we embrace the 2024 holiday season!

September 2024 Newsletter

Fall is near! 

With Great Respect, 
We pay tribute to the creation of our nation’s strength, freedom and leadership…. 
The American Workers!!! 

Passion is the difference between having a job and having a career! 
Back to school time for our kids! 
And ….We are getting much closer to Fall! WOOHOOO! 

Upcoming September Holiday - DiagnosTEX will be closed on Labor Day, Monday September 2nd.

Please consider this when scheduling your studies. We will operate Tuesday – Friday that week.

August 2024 Newsletter

Blue Skies, Humidity, Hot Sun! Summer is still with us! 

By: Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP

Monthly Motivator

Your talent determines what you can do 
Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do 
Your attitude determines how well you do it!

July 2024 Newsletter

Happy Independence Day! God Bless the USA! 

The Fourth of July celebrates the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

Happy 4th of July to everyone celebrating our country’s independence but don’t forget to honor our veterans and current military who have served to ensure our continued FREEDOM! We know that freedom does not come free… there is a cost, as some gave all!


June 2024 Newsletter

Happy Father’s Day to all the DADs!
Do not forget to fly your American flag on the 14th in honor of our country, our troops and our precious freedom! 
God Bless America!

Breaking News! DiagnosTEX partners with Patheous Health

May 2024 Newsletter

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers!

And Happy Memorial Day!

Happy National Speech and Hearing Month

Memorial Day is to honor those who served in the military and have passed on.

Remember all of our military men and women on Memorial Day that sacrificed

ALL to fight and maintain our country’s freedom! We are grateful for their service!

April 2024 Newsletter

Happy Spring & Happy Easter!

April puts spirit of youth in everything, as Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.

Let’s spring into Spring/Summer with a DiagnosTEX in-person CE conference! Come join the fun!

Thursday evening, we will have an optional pre-course start to the conference, with an extra 2-hour discussion on puree foods and thickeners. This will be at our office in North Richland Hills. Friday will be 6-hour CE course on Dysphagia

March 2024 Newsletter

Happy St. Patrick’s Day - An Irish Blessing for you:

May you always find blue skies above your head, shamrocks beneath your feet, laughter & joy aplenty, kindness from all you meet, good friends & kin to miss you if you ever choose to roam & a path that’s been cleared by angels themselves to carry you safely home.


The Modified Barium Swallow Study is the Gold Standard!

Happy Easter, Spring is on its way!