Educational Handouts

The Forgotten Phase: Esophageal Dysphagia

Esophageal dysphagia typically results from a motility disorder or a physical obstruction that prevents food and drink from passing easily through the esophagus. Motility disorders and obstructions that lead to esophageal dysphagia include: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

There may be a sensation of food getting caught in the chest (globus sensation or heartburn) or regurgitation of food.

    Eating Guide for Puréed Diets

    You may have to follow a puréed diet if you are having trouble chewing or swallowing. A puréed food diet is a texture-modified diet that can be useful for people with dysphagia, gastroparesis, or chewing difficulties. If you’re on a puréed diet, you will eat foods that you will not need to breakdown when you chew. All puree consistencies are much like mashed potatoes and pudding. You can make almost any meal or snack into a purée by simply blending it with a little extra liquid, such as juice, water, or broth and add a recommended thickening agent if needed.

    No Mixed Consistencies

    Characteristics - Provides meals with an even consistency and no combinations of solid and liquid foods in the same dish.

    Why are ‘mixed consistency’ or ‘dual consistency’ foods not recommended for people with dysphagia?

    By definition, mixed consistency foods include both solids and liquids.  Some mixed consistency foods are easily recognized on the plate or in a bowl (e.g. vegetables in a soup broth). Other items that appear to be a single consistency on a plate may quickly separate into two consistencies in the mouth (e.g., watermelon). 

    The Pill Burden

    Recommendations for Medications with Dysphagia

    Swallowing problems are associated with increased age, cancer treatment, and conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or stroke. The law requires that medicines should be given to the right person, at the right time, in the correct form, using the correct dose, via the correct route. The size, shape, and texture of pills can contribute to swallowing difficulties. Hard and soft gelatin capsules, oval pills, and oblong-shaped tablets are more likely than round pills or irregularly shaped tablets to cause swallowing difficulties.  Crushing and mixing pills with juice, applesauce, or thickeners to ease swallowing are common. Understand the differences and the options available.

    Eating Guide for Puréed Diets

    You may have to follow a puréed diet if you are having trouble chewing or swallowing. A puréed food diet is a texture-modified diet that can be useful for people with dysphagia, gastroparesis, or chewing difficulties. If you’re on a puréed diet, you will eat foods that you will not need to breakdown when you chew. All puree consistencies are much like mashed potatoes and pudding. You can make almost any meal or snack into a purée by simply blending it with a little extra liquid, such as juice, water, or broth and add a recommended thickening agent if needed. 

    May Better Speech and Hearing Month

    The SLP Role in the Rehab of COVID19

    This truly is not that new, it is actually what we do!

    The COVID19 virus moves down the respiratory tract, through the mouth, nose, throat, and lungs. The lower airway has more ACE2 receptors than the rest of the respiratory tract, therefore COVID-19 is more likely to go deeper than more common viruses like the common cold. Speech-language pathologists who work with people with dysphagia need to be ready! We are entering a new era and increased area specialty of iatrogenic dysphagia. This is difficulty swallowing caused by a medical treatment or treatments, such as prolonged intubation and/or traumatic intubation.

    Dysphagia Diets Educational Handout

    During your visit with DiagnosTEX you were possibly recommended a modified diet due to dysphagia. This educational sheet may help you understand the various consistencies that were recommended to help you prepare your meals and beverages correctly.

    Not all consistencies are safe on a dysphagia diet, please clarify with the treating SLP for recommended consistencies

    Education Form on the Modified Barium Swallow Study

    Education Form on the Modified Barium Swallow Study By: Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP   What is a Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) – a form of real-time x-ray called fluoroscopy to evaluate the ability to swallow safely and effectively. The exam is typically well tolerated, noninvasive, and can help identify the consistencies of liquid and […]


    Laryngectomy By: Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP   Evaluation of the patient must take into account not only the structure and function of the swallowing mechanism, but also the side effects that the chosen medical interventions will impose. Assessment of unique patient characteristics, including medical history, nutritional status, cultural preferences, coping style, support systems, and communication […]

    MBSS vs FEES

    Dysphagia Consultation Including Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS) and Esophageal Assessment to the Stomach Versus Fiber optic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)                           MBSS and FEES are complementary assessments BUT are NOT the same instrumental assessment. The MBSS is considered the GOLD STANDARD and remains the MOST COMPRESHENSIVE EVAULATION of oropharyngeal dysphagia.   The Major Advantages […]

    Multiple Sclerosis

    Dysphagia occurs more frequently in advanced stages of MS, although it can occur at any time during the disease course. Its real prevalence can be estimated to be around 30%–40%. Dysphagia is life-threatening if not managed properly. In fact, its complications such as dehydration and aspiration pneumonia are a common cause of death and morbidity […]