August 2007 Newsletter



Consultants in Dysphagia Evaluation and Management
817-514-MBS1 or 1-888-514-MBS1
Clinical Café Newsletter
By: Ronda Polansky M.S. CCC-SLP
August 2007
Monthly Motivator – Appreciation
You will forget the kind words you say today, but the recipient may cherish them over a lifetime!
 August Dates to Remember
7th – National Night Out
22nd – Be an Angel Day – A day to do “one small act of service for someone”

Upcoming Holiday
DiagnosTEX will be closed on Labor Day, Monday September 3, 2007.  Please consider this when scheduling at the end of this month. Also all of the DiagnosTEX SLP’s will take a CEU education day on Friday September 7th.  We continually further our education to serve you better. We will do our best to double up that week to meet all your MBSS needs.

Guests on DiagnosTEX mobile clinics
We often have family, nursing, visiting SLP’s, students, facility SLP’s etc on the van during a study. If a personal item of these visitors is left on the mobile clinic, DiagnosTEX can not make a return trip to the facility to return the item, the owner of the item will have to meet us at the location we have moved on to, or if we have returned to our office location, the item can be retrieved there.  If we spent the day returning the personal items left on the van, we would not be able to complete a full schedule.  Please make sure you take all belongings with you when you exit the mobile clinic and encourage family members to do the same or encourage them not to bring any personal items with them (purses, books, keys, coats, etc).  This is for your convenience, because as a mobile clinic we move many miles in a short period of time and could be 45 minutes away by the time you realize the item is missing.

SLP Give-away by popular demand – Dining Dysphagia Style
We have so many requests for lists of items on a dysphagia diet. Although consistencies and mind sets vary from facility to facility, we have put together a booklet from professional literature available and the NDDTF as a reference source on DYSPHAGIA DIETS for you to use and share.  Ask for yours next time we see you.
We also have: Changes in Swallowing with Age and Therapy and Strategies for Pharyngeal Disorders reference sheets if you have not gotten yours yet.



DiagnosTEX Authorization Form
Our authorization form is a required form.  This gives us the authorization to do the study but also to collect payment.  This form has not changed,  only a line for the patients initials were added. Please make sure that the patient and or family read the form as it states that:
As the Responsible Party I agree to the following statements:
·        ____I understand it is my responsibility to pay any deductibles, co-pays or any other balance not paid by my insurance company.

  • _____In the event insurance eligibility cannot be determined; I understand that I am responsible for payment of all charges.


  • _____In the event my insurance company reimburses me in error, this payment will be forwarded to DiagnosTEX, LLC.

We will now require that the patient or family initials be next to these bulleted items as we have had many calls stating they “did not read” this in the authorization form.  Please make sure they are aware of these items and understand these.  If you ever have any questions, please contact our billing office and speak to Carolyn. Please see insert in this newsletter for further explanation of the billing process.
Waiver of Coinsurance and/or deductible In relation to the above, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) considers routine waiver of deductible and coinsurance to be a violation of Medicare Law.  Medicare requires that beneficiaries pay co-insurance on most services. Providing such service at no charge to the beneficiary and billing Medicare constitutes a routine waiver of coinsurance and is unlawful.  It would only not be considered unlawful if the beneficiary is unable to pay (e.g. poverty) and this information is documented in the patient’s medical record. The physician/service provider must make a reasonable collection effort for the payment of coinsurance/deductible. It must involve the issuance of a bill to the beneficiary or the party responsible for the patient’s personal financial obligations.
Dysphagia Tidbit – Dry Mouth Products and Simple Solutions
Product                                                  Manufacturer                                       Product Type
Glandosane mouth moisturizer Kenwood Therapeutics                            Aqueous solution sprayed in the mouth
Moi-Stir moistening solution                      Kingswood Labs                                      Pump Spray
MouthKote oral moisture                          Parnell Pharmaceuticals                           Aqueous solutions
Optimoist oral moisturizer                          Colgate-Palmolive                                    oral moisturizer, aqueous solution
Biotene                                                    Laclede, Inc.                                            Gel
Salivart                                                    Gebaur                                                    Aerosol aqueous Spray
Simple Solutions for a dry mouth:

  1. Frequent sips of water through out the day is the simplest treatment for a dry mouth
  2. Milk may give a lubricant effect
  3. Try using olive oil to moisten the mouth
  4. Sugar-free chewing gum is a cheap way to attempt to increase saliva production.
  5. Try sugar free lollypops
  6. Avoid drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and some sodas.  Caffeine can dry out a mouth, as can alcohol and smoking.
  7. There may be relief in using a humidifier at night.