March 2024 Newsletter
Happy St. Patrick’s Day - An Irish Blessing for you:
May you always find blue skies above your head, shamrocks beneath your feet, laughter & joy aplenty, kindness from all you meet, good friends & kin to miss you if you ever choose to roam & a path that’s been cleared by angels themselves to carry you safely home.
The Modified Barium Swallow Study is the Gold Standard!
Happy Easter, Spring is on its way!
Fun times at the Fort Worth TSHA Convention 2024, so good to see everyone in the classes, exhibit hall/booth and group happy hours! The weather was perfect this year! Next year is San Antonio..
March 16 is Swallowing Awareness Day
Like breathing, swallowing is essential to everyday life. Swallowing Awareness Day 2024 is an opportunity to bring attention to swallowing disorders and to connect people with speech pathologists, the professionals who can help. Dysphagia evaluation and treatment are important and all patients deserve all of the options available to them for treatment success. Our advocacy book and more is just what you need, available for purchase in the store (SHOP) on our website Items of been reduced in price!
An SLP Should NEVER Lose Their Voice
Advocate for Proper Dysphagia Evaluations
Material to assist in educating Physicians, Administrators, Nurses and other Medical Professionals on Dysphagia and Modified Barium Swallow Studies
What You Cannot See at Bedside
Educational MBSS videos on either DVD and jump drive
Above and Beyond
Patient, Caregiver, and Healthcare Professional Education reference sheets and handouts for effective dysphagia rehabilitation. Over 30 handouts on specific disorders in dysphagia in ONE location to use in your practice. Plus a resource section for SLP's on cranial nerve testing, pharyngeal exercises, and treatment techniques. A must have booklet in your therapy bag!
Don’t forget our popular anatomy clipboard!
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month
In Texas, close to 150K people sustain TBI each year, and this does not account for those who went to ER and were released or those who never went to ER. TBI hospitalization totals are approximately 1.8 billion each year and only 5% of the survivors receive the rehab they need. In Texas there is no TBI Medicaid waiver to support long term needs. Advocacy efforts can help by contacting area government representatives and asking that funding be made available to acquired brain injury survivors. Local companies such as Centre for Neuro Skills (CNS), Pate Rehab and BIND empower those with TBI and other neurological conditions though rehab to maximize their strengths while developing compensatory strategies to assist with meeting their personal goals for functional living and community reintegration.
Have you seen Russ Campbell or Rick McAdoo LIVE?

Deciphering Dysphagia with Ampcare’s ESP™ (Effective Swallowing Protocol)
On-Demand + Live, In-Person on March 15, 2024
The Most Comprehensive FDA-Cleared Treatment for Dysphagia!
2 hours of online coursework before live date, making it a total of 10 hours Advanced ASHA CEUs
Time: 8 am-5 pm (CST) Location: Tech Fort Worth 1120 South Freeway Suite 204 Fort Worth, TX 76104
Can’t make this? Another March opportunity…On-Demand + Zoom Webinar Thursday & Friday, March 21-22, 2024 11:30 am-1:30 pm CST. Register at
Dysphagia Tidbit - Rheumatological Disorders and Dysphagia
Several rheumatological disorders are known to cause dysphagia via multiple mechanisms. Each may also exacerbate dysphagia due to other causes. For example, Sjögren syndrome, an autoimmune disease affecting exocrine glands, causes dysphagia via xerostomia and changes in the motility of the proximal esophagus. Limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (formerly CREST syndrome) is a well-known cause of esophageal dysmotility. Other commonly encountered rheumatologic disorders that may cause or complicate dysphagia are rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and mixed connective tissue diseases. Azer SA, Kanugula AK, Kshirsagar RK. Dysphagia. [Updated 2023 Nov 18]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:
Our recent Google reviews
Sharing because we are proud and so thankful for our committed and caring staff!
- My experience with DiagnosTEX has been nothing short of exemplary. The scheduling and communication leading up to the appt was excellent; the care and treatment my family member received during the procedure was wonderful (not to mention that observing the swallow study was one of the coolest things I've seen); and the help from the home office in getting referral info and having the study results sent to all the correct doctors was completely above and beyond. Sparing the details, they did way more than was required of them, and they were kind and empathetic, too. Healthcare is a tough industry and it's not hard to find a bazillion examples of situations that don't go well. It is, however, difficult to find an organization that is nailing it as well as this one. I'm really grateful for these people, especially Saint Bea in the home office.
- We used this co for my mom’s swallow tests twice and they are terrific! On time, professional and friendly.
- A great business with great customer service. I have worked with them for years and they are very reliable and trust worthy!