Newsletter :: August 2004


Monthly Motivator – Integrity distinguishes itself from other paths because it is the ONLY path upon which you will NEVER get lost.




DiagnosTEX is now a network service provider for PacifiCare/Secure Horizons HMO and Blue Cross Blue Shields insurance!


CEU CONFERENCE – Controversaries in Dysphagia

Saturday August 28th 9am-1:30pm at Harris HEB Hospital

Hot Topics…Free water, E-Stim, DPNS, FEES,  Carbonated beverages, Medical treatments such as Myotomy, dilation, Variations on MBSS procedures, NPO status/PEGS, Syringe Feeding, etc.  Plan to attend this conference! Registration forms are included.  Registration forms and payment must be received by August 23rd at DiagnosTEX office located in Bedford.  Limited seating at 50 seats, so get your registration forms faxed in early to 817-514-6278.  We look forward to seeing you again!


Congratulations and Good Luck Teresa Biber!

I have had many calls from DFW, Houston, Austin, OK, etc. wanting to know when we will be doing another NMES conference!  I wish we could and I would but………….Teresa Biber M.S. CCC-SLP has taken a break from doing NMES conferences to start research with some of the big names in Dysphagia. Her last conference was last month in Seattle.  I am so excited to know her protocol will be used in this further

E-Stim research.  I look forward to seeing her results published in our professional journals!   We are still hearing about and seeing so many success stories using E-Stim. 

I just get so excited, I have to share these success stories.  One of the SLP’s who had attended our course, had a patient who was NPO with severe dysphagia, and after 2.5 months of E-Stim treatment, DiagnosTEX repeated the MBSS and recommended that the patient be placed on a Regular diet and thin liquids!!!  YEAH!  The family cried, the therapist cried.  This is why we do what we do and why we should be allowed to pursue what ever treatment works for our patients!  She said she has 2 patients she has used E-Stim on and is 2 for 2 at 100% success. Congratulations to that SLP and the patient! Congratulations on all of your success stories.  I hope to share some of them at the conference and let you share some of them as well!


Give Aways

If you have not received our SLP reference sheet, Dysphagia laminated sheet, or our normal swallow video, please ask us for one next time we see you!  This is our thanks to you for choosing DiagnosTEX as your mobile MBSS provider.





Letter to Fiscal Intermediaries

Several of you have joined me in writing to ASHA re: the fiscal intermediary issue and mobile MBSS.  If you would like a sample letter please ask us and we will get one to you.  It will take many of us to pressure ASHA to make this a priority.  ASHA is working on the issue as stated in the ASHA leader this month, but let’s encourage them to push the issue with CMS. SLP’s in other states are doing the same, I think we can make a difference and see some results if we keep on it.


DiagnosTEX – Benefits of our Mobile MBSS service

  1. 24 to 48 hour service, operating 5 days week in DFW, Monday-Friday
  2. The most detailed MBS reports in the Metroplex, both the SLP and physician reports
  3. Physicians involved in the study and examining the patient
  4. Mobile clinic meeting JACHO standards and in compliance with Texas Board of Radiology
  5. Individual malpractice coverage for all professional staff on board.
  6. You get a Dysphagia Consultation not just an MBSS

Do not sacrifice quality and standards!!  If there is a competitive fee standing in your way, contact us and let’s see what we can work out!   References available on request.


Dysphagia in Spanish

1. Open your mouth – Abra la boca

2. Swallow – Trague

3. Tuck your chin down with every swallow – Agache la cabeza cada vez que traga

4. Take small bites/sips – Tome bocados pequenos/Tome pequenos sorbos

5. Thickened Liquids – Liquidos espesos

6. No Thin Liquids – No liquidos ligeros

7. Puree foods only – Solamente alimentos licuados

8. Do not drink with a straw – No beba con popote

9. You must sit upright for all meals – Debe sentarse erguido para todas sus comidas

10. We will need to do a swallow study.  It is done in Z-ray.  It is a moving X-ray of your chewing and swallowing – Necesitaremos hacer un estudio de degluticion.  Se hace en rayos x. Es una rayos x en movimiento mientras usted masica y traga.


Dysphagia Tidbit – Beer on a dysphagia diet?

On the mobile clinic we often get requests for beer, whiskey, and other alcoholic beverages in a humorous manner by the patients.  Often when treating dysphagia patients, some have concerns about their consumption of their daily bottle of beer.  Sounds funny, but often true in patients of younger individuals with ALS, Parkinson’s, MS etc. Not being a beer Coinsurer, I had to do some research. Guinness and other “heavy” beers are at best minimally thicker than “typical” beers. For example, an American standard lager such as Budweiser, Coors, etc has a specific gravity between 1.035 and 1.045, while a drystout (of which Guinness is a member) has a specific gravity of 1.036 to 1.055. These beers may seem “thicker” or “heavier” because they have stronger flavors due to darker malts and different hops and a (sometimes) higher alcohol content (Guinness sold in Ireland actually has a low alcohol content due to a high tax rate, so it tastes different in the US).Additionally, Guiness (and some other stouts) use a unique nitrogen based dispension system when served on tap which gives the beer a different mouth feel (Guinness also uses a patented “pub can” to achieve this texture for beer served at home). I have never heard of Guarcol, but in Australian hospitals they commonly use a Guar Gum based product called Guarcol. SLP’s have found it works quite well with most carbonated drinks, including beer.  SLP’s have managed to achieve nectar and honey thicknesses that are quite palatable. This whole beer thing has been quite an interesting discussion.