October 2021 Newsletter
Its Fall Ya’ll!
Pumpkin Spice and Some things Nice!
DiagnosTEX Fall Give -away – We had planned a Fall CE, but because of the ongoing COVID concerns and spikes in numbers, this will again be delayed. We can’t wait to get together again with all of you! It has been toooo long! So instead, this month we will be handing out a new resource handout on dysphagia diets. We hope this educational resource helps everyone involved understand the various consistencies that are recommended to prepare meals and snacks correctly. Ask for yours, next time we see ya!
CE Opportunities -On-Demand + Live Zoom Webinar - October 13 and 14th from 6pm and 8pm CST

Deciphering Dysphagia with Ampcare’s ESP™
- Online/on-demand pre-course work - (4 hours)
- Two days of interactive webinar (2 hours each day)
Become Certified in ESP, the Most Comprehensive FDA-Cleared Treatment for Dysphagia ❖ Learn the Latest Assessment Techniques ❖ Accelerate Recovery by Combining Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation with Resistive Exercise ❖ Do More in 30 Minutes ❖ Earn 0.8 Advanced ASHA CEUs
Re-certification is recommended every 3 years for Ampcare’s ESP. If you need re-certified, use the discount code: Recertify2021 for $100 off.
Shout out to a local SLP from TCU! Matt Dumican, presented at the World Dysphagia Summit on August 22, 2021. His course was titled The Effects of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Hyoid and Laryngeal Kinematics in Post-Stroke Dysphagia; Dumican, Matthew (Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Western Michigan University, USA).
Clinical Highlights:
- 10 out of 11 patients displayed a faster closure time of the laryngeal vestibule using TIMS DICOM Review Software
- 7 out of 11 patients improved their worst PAS score overall.
- All patients displayed improved tolerance to bolus consistency / volumes allowing the least restrictive diet.
Timely Rehab!
September 19-25th was National Rehab Week. It was a time to recognize the outstanding services provided by rehabilitation professionals. A Rehab team is working together to make the quality of life better for others! When people ask what we do for our patients, say "whatever it takes"! Go the extra mile, it is never crowded!
Timely rehabilitation is crucial for stroke survivors, but some may not be receiving it due to the coronavirus pandemic, experts say. Rehabilitation can help the 795,000 stroke survivors in the United States achieve the best possible recovery, according to the American Stroke Association (ASA). it's critical to begin rehabilitation within three months of a stroke, when the brain most quickly adapts to stroke damage and survivors are best able learn new ways to do things. Unfortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some recent stroke patients may be going without rehab during this important 'golden' time and other survivors may also be forgoing helpful therapy," said Dr. Joel Stein, vice chair of the ASA's Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery. For Stroke Survivors Timely Rehab Has Been Jeopardized During Pandemic, Community Healthcare System, September 2020.
Recovering from a stroke and dysphagia can be a long and frustrating experience. Dedication and willingness by all involved, to work toward improvement will help those patients gain the most benefit. The severity of stroke complications and each person's ability to recover vary widely, no one stroke survivor is the same and should not be treated as such. Researchers have found that people who participate in a focused stroke rehabilitation program perform better than most people who don't have stroke rehabilitation. Proper evaluation, focused treatment, timely treatment as well as proper follow-up evaluations before discharge are all necessary in successful recovery.
Study investigates difficulty swallowing in critically ill COVID-19 patients By Lakshmi Supriya,v PhD.Jun 25 2021
Researchers from Clinica Luganese Moncucco and Bellinzona Regional Hospital in Switzerland investigated the prevalence of swelling disorders in severely ill COVID-19 patients. The assessment used was the Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS). The test has a scoring system that categorizes swallowing disorders based on severity, with scores ranging from 0 for severe dysphagia to 20 for no dysphagia.
The researchers conducted a retrospective study of hospitalized patients admitted between March and April 2020. The patients were evaluated by speech and language therapists. Assessment was performed once every week for four weeks, both in the intensive care unit and when the patients were transferred out. The team also considered demographics and other pre-existing illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. Of the 31 patients evaluated in the study, 25 underwent invasive mechanical ventilation and 19 underwent tracheostomy. The results show that about half the patients had swallowing disorders at the first evaluation. In patients undergoing ventilation for more than 10 days, the prevalence of dysphagia was higher, about 95%. This suggests there is a high occurrence of dysphagia in COVID-19 patients even at an early stage. This could be because of the intense inflammatory response to the virus leading to general muscle impairment, including the throat muscles. Although the occurrence of dysphagia was high during hospital admission, recovery was also fast with speech and language therapy, with all severe cases improving after 12 days. This suggests speech and language therapy may help COVID-19 patients, improving recovery from any swallowing disorders.
Walk for Alzheimer’s……. because memories matter

More than 6 million Americans were living with Alzheimer's and between 2000 and 2020, deaths from Alzheimer’s have increased 145%. Almost two-thirds of Americans with Alzheimer’s disease are women and kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. Fifty percent of primary care physicians believe the medical profession is not ready for the growing number of people with Alzheimer’s or other dementias. More recently, in the U.S., Alzheimer's and dementia deaths have increased 16% during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is why we walk! We must find a cure! Annually more than 600 communities nationwide, Walk to End Alzheimer's®. It is the world's largest fundraiser for Alzheimer's care, support and research. Join at your local event or walk from your home in your neighborhood. Walks in the area:
- Grapevine, TX - Oct 16, 2021
- Arlington, TX - Nov 20, 2021
- Fort Worth, TX - Oct 30, 2021
- The Colony, TX - Oct 23, 2021
- Dallas, TX - Nov 6, 2021
- Waxahachie, TX - Oct 30, 2021
- Sherman, TX - Oct 16, 2021