September 2018 Newsletter
We pay tribute to the creation of our nation’s
strength, freedom, and leadership….
The American Workers!!! Happy Labor Day!
Back to school time for our kids!
And …….We are getting much closer to Fall!
Upcoming September Holiday
DiagnosTEX will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 3.
Please consider this when scheduling your studies. We will operate Tuesday – Thursday that week, and Friday if necessary.
What are we celebrating? A day off?? Yes!! But be thankful for your job! When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not in the labor force, the highest number on record. That number rose steadily during his two terms, reaching a record 95,055,000 in November 2016, then setting another record (95,102,000) in December 2016. The number of Americans not in the labor force has increased by 14,573,000 (18.09 percent). In July 2018, the unemployment rate fell to 3.9 percent, from 4.0 percent in June. It was 3.8 percent in May, the lowest rate since April 2000. In the last 60 years, there has been only one sustained period where unemployment stayed below 4 percent: the late 1960s. Unemployment figures for August 2018 will be released on Friday, September 7, 2018.
A new addition to our DTEX family
We have added to our SLP staff, and she begins DTEX training in September. Most of you have seen us train many of our SLP’s, as this a lengthy process. Many of our staff refers to it as DTEX boot camp ☺. We are excited to have her as a part of our team and we would like you to welcome her when you see her on the van. Her name is Ariel Martinez and we know that she will be an amazing addition to our DTEX family.
CE Opportunities in September
Upcoming Ampcare ESP Conference:
September 21 – Houston, Texas
September 21 - Denver, Colorado
Parkinson’s Voice Project - SING OUT! Discover a Whole New World
Master of Ceremonies: Starlene Stringer of KLTY 94.9 Saturday, September 8, 2018
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm located at Richardson High School, 1250 W. Belt Line Road, Richardson, Texas 75080.
Join Parkinson Voice Project for this family-friendly musical performance as nearly 100 people with Parkinson’s disease “SING WITH INTENT” for a crowd of 1,000 raving fans made up of community supporters, family, friends, and medical professionals. All performers have Parkinson’s or a Parkinson’s-related neurological condition, and their speaking and singing abilities have been restored through Parkinson Voice Project’s two-part therapy program: SPEAK OUT!® followed by The LOUD Crowd®.
You can attend the show or watch it live online. Complimentary valet parking. There is no charge for this event; however, donations towards meeting the challenge will be appreciated.. For reservations - 469-375-6500 or visit
Dates to remember in September
National Grandparent’s Day (Hug a grandparent even if it is not yours!) –
National Women’s Health and Fitness Day –
National Assisted Living Week –
National Rehabilitation Awareness Week –
Healthy Aging Month –
EXCITING Alzheimer’s research breakthrough
I want to share with you that there have been exciting advancements in Alzheimer’s research this year because of the money we have raised in the past, but until more research and testing are complete we cannot stop. A new drug, an antibody called BAN2401, achieved a first in a large clinical trial by simultaneously reducing the characteristic Alzheimer plaques — beta-amyloid clusters — in the brains of patients, and slowing the formulation of new ones. It lessened existing clusters by 70% on average. This is a huge finding!!!!!! In sum, the drug could be the first to successfully attack both the brain changes and the symptoms of the memory-crippling disease. To date, the available treatment options boil down to a handful of medications that only questionably slow memory decline for a few months. Because of this and possibilities of a cure in the near future……….. (see below)
Alzheimer’s Memory Walk (September-November)
I will be walking again September 29, in Grapevine, If anyone would like to donate to our walk, we would appreciate your support to help end this terrible disease, as we all are up close and personal with this professionally and some of us personally. This has been a very difficult year for me as my mom is in the end stages of Alzheimer's. A cure is obviously the main reason we walk, but the financial burden on a family with Alzheimer’s is huge due to the day-to-day care required for their health and safety. An adult with Alzheimer’s requires as much care as a brand-new baby. The need to be bathed, changed, fed and stimulated is no different, just more difficult due to their adult size. They cannot verbalize their wants, needs, or pains and do not know how to function independently anymore. By participating in the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's®, we are committed to raising more awareness and funds not just for Alzheimer’s research, but the care and support needed. Thank you for any amount, no matter how small, that you can afford to donate. Every single penny is another penny closer to a cure and I believe we are closer than ever before. Please go to the website and locate the team called “Heels of Hope” to donate. Thank you so much!!
Dysphagia Tidbit – Alcohol and dysphagia
Alcohol exerts a direct toxic effect on striated muscle. In chronic alcoholism, a myopathy may develop with varied clinical expression. Muscle weakness need not be limited to the extremities, and facial muscles are occasionally affected. There have been reported cases of dysphagia caused by weakness in the skeletal muscle of the pharynx and proximal esophagus, accompanying alcoholic myopathy. Cirrhosis of the liver was the twelfth leading cause of death in the United States in 2005 and developed as a consequence of alcoholism in over 45 percent of cases, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism reports. Alcoholics often develop problems with the esophagus, Alcohol damages the cells lining the esophagus and can cause life-threatening complications. Because even one drinking episode weakens the lower esophageal sphincter, according to Montana State University, GERD, often affects alcoholics. The incompetence of the sphincter allows stomach acid to back up into the esophagus, burning and irritating the tissues. Make sure that questions about a patients history of drinking alcohol are in your initial dysphagia evaluation.