Vital Signs - Resuscitating Law, Ethics, and Morality in Dysphagia Evaluation and Treatment
Vital Signs - Resuscitating Law, Ethics, and Morality in Dysphagia Evaluation and Treatment
This course will not only cover the required information for Ethics, but extend it out to ethics in the evaluation and the treatment of dysphagia, malpractice and litigation. Are you prepared if you have to go to court to defend any of the decisions that you have made? What do you do when your patient is NOT following the recommendations? Who decides on NPO and a feeding tube? We will review the practice of medical ethics in the area of both evaluating and treating dysphagia. We will review dysphagia malpractice litigation and what the ethical and legal obligations are for SLP's in today's new technology world. You will complete the course with effective guidelines to help work through everyday situations and then those more unique situations in your dysphagia practice.