DiagnosTEX will not allow MBSS images to be uploaded to a jump drive from our medical records.
Flash drive. Thumb drive. Jump drive. USB stick. Whatever you call it, most of us have at least one of these ubiquitous, simple devices. Today, they not only hold countless gigabytes, but they may also hold numerous USB security risks; so can charging ports, memory sticks and other common devices. The mobile workforce is a boon to business agility, customer engagement and employee productivity but it’s also created a cybersecurity nightmare. Every device that employees use to conduct business—smartphones and smartwatches, tablets and laptops—is a potential security vulnerability. There are large HIPAA fines for stolen thumb drives due to the drives being unencrypted. Data shows that since 2012, it costs an average of $925,000 in HIPAA fines for a single stolen thumb drive. There’s a lack of credible solutions for encrypting thumb drives. Managing thumb drive inventory is a HIPAA compliance nightmare. While IT managers can identify and properly encrypt computer hard drives (desktops and laptops), allowing small, cheap, hard-to-encrypt thumb drives is a recipe for HIPAA fines. The HIPAA Security Rule states PHI stored on a USB Drive is “ePHI” (electronic Protected Health Information) and automatically subject to a slew of requirements in terms of storage, transport, and destruction of that data. Most of these requirements are unknown to or not met by the casual healthcare practitioner, leaving them automatically out of compliance. A lost or stolen USB drive with ePHI on it is an automatic breach of HIPAA which can and will subject your organization to fines, negative publicity, and possibly criminal charges if willful negligence of HIPAA is determined. This is not a joke or over exaggeration — companies are already being fined millions of dollars for breaches involving even just ONE lost or stolen hard drive. In addition to these serious liability risks, additional liability risks with information downloaded to jump drives has been subject to unprecedented unprofessional use of protected information on social media daily (Tik-tok videos, uploaded images and/or altered images), sad, disappointing, but nevertheless fact.
Dysphagia Tidbit – Zenkers Diverticulum, Pharyngocele or Laryngocele?
Pharyngocele and laryngocele are often misdiagnosed or interchangeably diagnosed. It is rare but commonly associated with occupational exposure to increased intra-pharyngeal pressure. Both often occur in glassblowers and those who play wind instruments. It is also seen in people with chronic obstructive airway disease. It occurs more frequently in males than in females and usually arises during the fifth and sixth decades of life. Differential diagnosis must not be confused with Zenker's diverticulum, herniation of the pharyngeal mucosa between thyropharyngeus and cricopharyngeus, which does not classically expand with raised intrapharyngeal pressure.
Pharyngocele is a protrusion of mucosa into one of the two weak areas of the pharyngeal wall often described as a lateral pharyngeal wall herniation in the piriform recess or vallecula. Pharyngoceles are rare and more often unilateral than bilateral caused by the laxity of the thyrohyoid membrane. Pharyngoceles are usually asymptomatic and symptomatic patients may present with regurgitation of food, dysphagia, halitosis, pain, and nocturnal coughing. Only about 60 true lateral pharyngocele cases have been reported in the literature over the last 133 years (Dillibabu Ethiraj et.al., 2020). Laryngocele is a close differential, and the two are difficult to tell apart. Though they have been described well in the literature, they are often misdiagnosed or interchangeably diagnosed.
A laryngocele is an abnormal dilatation of the laryngeal saccule. It is also a rare benign lesion of the larynx. A laryngocele may become clinically apparent in several ways. Symptoms depend on the size and location. The etiology behind its occurrence is still unclear, but congenital and acquired factors have been implicated in its development. A laryngocele is a congenital anomalous air sac communicating with the cavity of the larynx, which may bulge outward on the neck. Internal laryngoceles displace and enlarge the false vocal cords, resulting in hoarseness and airway obstruction. External laryngoceles extend through the thyrohyoid membrane, causing a mass in the neck. The simple laryngocele is an uncomplicated air-filled dilatation of the appendix of the laryngeal ventricle. Laryngoceles tend to occur in musicians who play wind instruments. Laryngoceles are filled with air and can be expanded by the Valsalva maneuver. Treatment of laryngoceles is excision. Microlaryngoscopy with use of a CO2 laser has become the main therapeutic procedure for the treatment of internal laryngoceles during the past 20 years. Standard pharyngeal mucous membrane closure similar to the procedure utilized in the repair of Zenker's diverticulum which should resolve the problem.